Bluestacks installer taking forever to open
Bluestacks installer taking forever to open

bluestacks installer taking forever to open

To see if you have an issue with the current APK file you’re trying to install, you can get another version from another source and not directly from Google Play Store. You also have to keep in mind that not all apps may work properly or at all with Bluestacks.

bluestacks installer taking forever to open

Sometimes, the reason for device not compatible error may be due to the app or APK you’re trying to add. Fix #5: Install the game or app from a third party source. Once you’ve installed the 64-bit version, install or open the app or game you’re having an issue with again and see if that will take care of the bug. To fix the issue, you need to uninstall your current Bluestacks version and see if using the 64-bit instead will fix help. For instance, Fortnite may not install or work properly if you have the 32-bit of Bluestacks version. If you seem to be having an issue installing or playing a particular app or game, it’s possible that the current version of Bluestacks you have is the reason.

  • Afterwards, restart Bluestacks and check if the Device not compatible error returns.įix #4: Use the 64-bit Bluestacks version.
  • Navigate to Graphics and select Compatibility.
  • Go to Performance tab and change the CPU allocation to High (4 Cores) and Memory allocation to 4GB.
  • If you’re already running the latest version of Bluestacks at this time, then the next solution that you should try is to switch to another engine and see if that will fix the device incompatible error. If there’s an update that you haven’t installed, the Check for updates button should be active so simply click on it. Make sure that you manually check if the app needs updating at this time by going to Settings > About. Keeping your Bluestacks application up-to-date is of utmost importance. In some cases, this is an effective way to get rid of random bugs. To do that, you need to force quit your Bluestacks app using the Task Manager (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC) and then start it back up.

    bluestacks installer taking forever to open

    One of the basic fixes that you must do when getting any error message in Bluestacks is to ensure that you refresh the app. For some people, it’s an indication of an application bug while for others, it may be due to an issue with another app such as the Google Play Store or the app being installed.Ĭheck out the solutions below to fix it. How to fix Bluestacks device not compatible error?ĭevice not compatible error in Bluestacks can be the result of a number of things. If you’re having the same issue when trying to download and install an app or game, or if you can’t use your installed app anymore because of the bug, this troubleshooting guide should take care of that. One of the common issues that many Bluestacks users encounter is the “Device not compatible” error.

    Bluestacks installer taking forever to open